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Introducing a New Security Texting Feature for Elements Credit and Debit Cards

At Elements Financial, we are adding a new layer of security to our credit and debit cards when you shop online. Beginning September 25, 2023, when you make a purchase, a one-time passcode might be sent to your cell phone number on record at the credit union as a step to ensure that your transaction belongs to you.

How it Works

When our cards system detects the need for added security, a passcode request will appear during online transactions. If you receive a request, wait for a text containing this passcode, then enter it where prompted online. If you do not enter the correct passcode, your transaction will not complete. At that point, please contact us directly for support via the methods shown below. This step involving one-time passcodes will apply only to a limited number of transactions, so you won’t need a passcode for every online purchase. However, if you do receive a passcode, you can have confidence in this extra step of authentication as a sign that our security measures are working to keep your accounts safe.


If you receive a telephone call or a text message that claims to be from Elements, you must NEVER PROVIDE YOUR SECURE ACCESS CODES, PASSWORDS, USER IDs, FULL DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD NUMBERS, OR PINs — even if the caller ID, text, or email shows "Elements Financial" as the sender. This is a tactic called "spoofing." We will never call you to ask for this information.

How to Confirm Your Contact Information, Including Your Cell Phone Number

It’s important to keep our member records updated. Especially for texting as an immediate way to communicate directly with you, it’s essential to have a cell phone number on file for any member who has one. As the best means for confirming and/or updating your contact details, consider the following methods:

  • Call Member Service 24/7 at 800-621-2105;
  • Chat with us at during the posted business hours;
  • Visit us at an Elements branch;
  • Log into online banking and click Settings and then Contact Info.

Contact us with your questions or comments.

Banking the Way You Want It

Mobile Banking App

  • Online banking & bill pay
  • Mobile check deposit

Add our Card Control App

  • Added security for Elements credit and debit cards
  • Card lock technology
  • Card activity notifications